Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I'm fine

My eyes are swollen
Puffy and red
Self destructive thoughts
Swirl in my head

If you look at me
You'll know it's a lie
But if you ask "what's wrong?"
I'll just say "I'm fine."

It's not you
It's me I swear
I won't talk about it
It's a waste of air

I'm not shutting you out
I'm locking me away
These walls protect you
From the things I could say

I know you mean well
And know just what to say
But I don't want to talk
Just please... Go away

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I love you

"I love you."

It's supposed to be the phrase that conquers anything and finds a way through everything. Love is supposed to be unconditional and magical; it's meant to be the catalyst to a new kind of happiness...

But what happens when it's not enough? What happens when two people love each other, but that's not enough to make it work? Most people have experienced this at least once in their lives, but it's the type of heart breaking experience that only gets worse with age.

This love was supposed to be the one you finally settled down with, this was the one you were supposed to start a family with. You're getting older, your options are limiting. And you love them so much, why couldn't it just work, why couldn't all that love find a way to make it work?

I am a pessimist and a cynic, but I'm also a writer and a natural romantic. I see the world's darkest aspects and generally believe the worst of people, and yet I still believe in love, somehow. After having my heart broken again and again and always falling for the wrong guy, a part of me still believes in the right one.

My whole life I've seen why love wasn't enough. I saw it destroy my parents marriage, and watched it not be enough to save my first step father, and I watched it rip my mother and her soul mate apart, because love just wasn't enough. But then love was enough when they fought to be with each other again...

I love you. I've heard it so many ways, from so many people, in so many different aspects of my life; friends, family, boyfriends... But love... Is what you make it. And it's certainly not as easy as many try to make it seem.

I don't need to hear "I love you," I need to hear "I will fight for you," "we will make this work," "I will do whatever it takes to keep you," because when it comes down to it, love isn't what matters, it's what comes after.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Breathe, swim, leap, burn

Take a deep breath in
Don't breathe it out
Just keep holding on
Don't release the shout

Walk into the water
And though you know how to swim
Don't move a muscle
Let the water win

Stand on the ledge
Of the building so tall
Don't take a step back
When you feel like you'll fall

Keep the fire in control
Don't let it burn free
Keep feeding the flames
Just enough for us to see

Fire can warm,
And fire can kill
Water brings life
Water takes what it will

The air you breathe
Is toxic and safe
And the earth below you
Is solid and will break

I stand here at the top
And hold my last breath
Hoping that this water
Won't burn me to death

If I let it out
And let myself fall
Will this leap of faith
Mean nothing at all?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The champion

Thoughts like daggers
Spinning in my mind
Toward the bullseye
Of the strength I cannot find

Never miss a mark
When the champion steps in
The one who holds the truth
That hides beneath the skin

Nowhere to run
When the mark has been set
Nowhere to hide
When the enemy is met

The walls closing in
No exit or reprieve
No way to get out of it
No one left to deceive

The dagger in hand
Prepped for the throw
No way to stop it
Too late to let go

The blade goes spinning
Thoughts, the knives of fear
I look up and see
The champion in the mirror

Saturday, May 9, 2015


I need people. Not like most people need people. When I give myself to someone, when I let them in, the way I begin to need them becomes a desperation. This might stem from the fact that I'm so afraid of people leaving me that I do everything in my power to make sure they don't.  If I got far enough that I've let them inside of my walls and ive decided to trust them, I will do anything to keep them.

I imagine,  with the right person, this would not be a flaw.  It makes me insanely loyal and giving and unselfish with those people I care about. The problem is that with the wrong people, which I've realized is most people, it is seen as needy and desperate and weak. Going through so many of the people who see it that way has started to make me see it that way, as a weakness.

My wise step father once said to me that I give all of myself to the people I care about and that while he has seen so many people come and go in his own life, he realized how much harder it must be for me to go through that with the way that I care about people. I knew when he said it that it was true, but until that moment, I'd never realized how much other people really do see how much I care and, once they've actually gotten to know me, see that this part of me can be something that is valued.

I often wish I was different. I wish that I was better at superficial relationships. I wish that I could find a middle ground where I could let people in a little but not so much that it breaks me when they walk away. I've tried. Again and again in my life I have tried. But I always end up back in the same place, I gave someone my heart,  I gave them everything I had to give, and in the end, they don't need me, but I need them because I already gave them everything.

I don't want to need people the way I do. I want to be someone who can find friends easily and be someone who is easy to love, but I'm not. I'm hard to love. I'm emotional and I feel everything in a way that most people can't comprehend. I feel everything more intensely than almost anyone else I've ever met. When those feelings are good, it is amazing. I can be happy and content with the most minor of things. When they are bad, it is a black hole. I get upset and angry and self destructive just to find a way to ease the pain I'm feeling with such intensity.

I can only imagine how hard that must be to deal with. I can't imagine how it must feel to see someone need you so much and not need them. Mostly because I've never been on that side of this. When I love, I love with everything I have, and when I love, I need. I need to reassurance that that person isn't going to leave, which usually means that they do leave in the end because they get exhausted dealing with it.

All of this has made me distrust people. It has left me scarred and jaded and convinced that this cycle will continue. I know what you're thinking, "so do something about it, make the change, just do it." But I can't lessen my emotions. I've tried more times than I can count. I have made changes in my life. I have done everything I knew how to do to make sure that the cycle doesn't repeat. But in the end, I always end up back here. Because I care too much, because I feel too much,  because I love with everything and then I'm left with nothing. I don't want to change how much I care. I don't want to change how much I love. I just want someone to see it and appreciate it and love me because of it and not in spite of it.

I keep telling myself that person is real and will come along someday. But my somedays are starting to feel like they're running low.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

God is in the Rain.

God is in the rain.

I don't even believe in god the way many people do, and yet I've always loved that statement. I don't even know why. The sentiment, the beauty in it, I suppose.

Many people see rain as somber, a damper on a good day. Perhaps it's the pessimist in me that can't see it that way. Rain is beautiful. Everything about it, the sound, the smell, the feel... rain is purity in its most natural form.

I could sit here and watch the rain all night. It's one of the few things in the world that never fails to make me happy. The feel of it touching my face makes me smile no matter how many times I've felt it.

Rain calms me. As a person with anxiety, this is no small feat. Something so simple and beatiful.. it calms the side of me that is so often chaos.

I often have a point when I write on here... I don't have one this time. I just needed to write down these thoughts swirling in my head, because it's the first time in weeks when they've made sense.