Monday, July 8, 2013

The Reason

I've been writing as long as I can remember.

As soon as I knew how to create letters and piece them together into words, I've been expressing myself through the words I write. It's a part of who I am. I hope it always will be.

When I decided to create this blog, I thought about the words that are always in my head, the ones that are always there and I rarely share with the world. These words are the part of myself and the part of my soul that I very rarely share with the world. My words are the closest thing to my heart and therefore the part of myself that is the most vulnerable.

Writing has always been a coping mechanism for me. I write the most when I'm going through the most. As any creative person would probably tell you, their best work comes from their most raw emotion. For me, that has always been my darkest emotion.

In the 24 years that I've been alive, I've been through a lot. Maybe I haven't been through as much as some, and maybe I don't deal with it as well as others might. But the truth is, what I've been through and how I've handled it have made me who I am. I can't change the past, I can only hope for a better future. You may not agree with the way I've handled my life so far but I've done my best with what I've been given and I'm a better person than I used to be. What more can you really ask of any human?

When I say there are constantly words in my head, I want you to understand. I'm sure you've all read a novel in your life, at least in your English class, if at no other time. You know how everything is described in perfect detail and there is a constant narration of what's happening? That is what is constantly in my head. It's no wonder I could write a novel in 9 months with that kind of a brain. I hope that only makes me different and not completely insane.

Before you follow this blog, you should know: what I write here will not always be happy. You may not always like what I have to say. I have seen some dark places in the world and within myself and I will paint pictures with my words that you may not want to see. But everything I say is real. Everything I write is the truth. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I am not perfect, but I am me. This is the way that I express myself. I am putting a piece of my soul on the internet to share with the world. I am making myself vulnerable in a very real way. But I will do it because there are people in the world who need to hear these words because it will show them that no matter how alone and isolated they may feel through whatever horrible thing they are experiencing, they are not the only one feeling that way. And more importantly, they can make it through. I share my words with the world in the hopes that I can affect a life, if only one.

"I write for the same reason I breathe, because if I didn't, I would die." - Unknown

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